Vandals caused damage estimated at £20,000 when they broke into a York church looking for cash to steal.

St Philip and St James Church, in Clifton Green, was attacked by louts who climbed on to the vestry roof and smashed an original stained glass window. After realising there was no money or valuables to be taken, they smashed another stained glass window.

The attack left behind thousands of shards of broken coloured glass for the vicar and wardens to clear up.

The police were called and the windows have been boarded up, but the Reverend David Casswell said the congregation was still meeting as usual.

He said: "I am obviously very disappointed. It's a terrible thing to have happened. As a church we feel very invaded.

"I think they were just looking for loose change, which we never keep lying around anyway, but the damage they have made runs into many thousands."

Despite this, Mr Casswell believed the battle against crime is being won in Clifton.

He said: "I just feel there are some good things that are happening in this area and I think some people are working hard to improve things."

One of the windows is an original, and the church and police estimate it will cost £20,000 to replace them.

Mr Casswell added: "This is not repair work that can be done overnight. It will take some time and a lot of money."

In the week of the incident a senior member of the church died and Mr Casswell believed this tragedy had put the incident into perspective for the congregation.

He said: "Yes it is a terrible thing that has happened, but a church is about people and not a building."

A spokesman for York police said: "It is very sad that some people feel the need to lash out at beauty."

Updated: 15:39 Tuesday, January 23, 2001