Help me fight the office cold

Q: I work in a busy office and whenever there is a bout of colds or flu going round, I always seem to get it. Is there anything I can do to help prevent this from happening?

A: It sounds as if your immune system could do with a boost. One way to do this is to eat a healthy balanced diet with plenty of fresh (preferably organic) fruit and vegetables. If your diet contains too many refined carbohydrates, such as chocolates cakes and biscuits, it can weaken the immune system making it hard for the body to fight off disease.

You could also try taking echinacea, a herbal extract that is used to help strengthen the immune system. It can be purchased from most health food stores.

To help protect yourself from germs in your office, put four to five drops of the essential oil eucalyptus on a hanky and inhale it throughout the day. This oil contains anti-viral properties that can help to neutralise air born germs.

If you have a radiator in your room, then put a few drops of eucalyptus oil diluted in water into a radiator burner and attach it to the radiator. If you do not have a radiator burner, then place the diluted oil in a small egg cup and put it on top of the radiator. This will diffuse a wonderful cleansing aroma into the room. Lastly, exercise will also help to strengthen your immune system, even if it is only going for a walk in the fresh air at dinner time.