For the second week in succession Malton contrived to almost give away a game they should have won comfortably.

In the end they edged out Leeds Corinthians 22-21 for two precious Yorkshire One points.

The opening spell was Malton's best part of the game. The pack established control with some powerful scrummaging and positive lineout play and ensured a plentiful supply of ball.

The resultant forward-dominated loose play gave Carl Rushworth and Ed Gwilliam the opportunity to drive deep into Corinthians territory.

From one such drive lock forward Tim Casey was forced over the line for Malton's opening try after 15 minutes.

Andy Newsome added the extras and Malton should have then taken complete control.

Instead they seemed to be content to rest on their laurels and allow the battling visitors the opportunity to fight back. The Corinthians reply was almost immediate. Having reached the Malton 22 metre area centre Ian Wilson broke and was allowed to stroll through some terrible attempts to stop him in the Malton midfield.

Fly half Carl Maynard converted to level the scores.

From that point on Malton were on the back foot. Bad discipline and unforced errors crept into the game and Corinthians added to their lead when flanker Steve Loney scored an identical try to his side's first. The conversion was missed but Maynard was able to add to his tally with two penalties before Malton woke up.

A Newsome penalty narrowed the gap and a good break in the centre by Tim Chapman gave full back Ian Cooke the chance to enter the line and bravely fight his way over under the posts. Newsome converted and Malton turned around with a one point deficit.

After the break Malton again applied early pressure and attempted to give more of the ball to their three-quarters, who always looked capable of causing problems in the Corinthian defence if only they could get the ball.

The point was brought home when, for once, quick ball was shipped out to the wing where Ian Mansell showed a clean pair of heels to score in the corner to give Malt the lead.

Further indiscipline gave Corinthians a penalty to bring the score back to within one point. From the midway point in the half Corinthians tried valiantly to regain the lead and spent almost the entire time in the Malton half of the pitch. Stout defence from Malton held out and the home side took the points from a disappointing game as a spectacle but highly entertaining.

Malton are now in clear top spot but are now one game ahead of their nearest rivals who did not play.

Updated: 12:12 Monday, January 22, 2001