Thousands of costumes from hundreds of shows line the racks at one of York's little known shopping gems.

The Theatre Royal costume hire shop, in the Maltings, off Walmgate, brings out the kid in most people.

It is hard for anyone walking down the cluttered aisles not to do an impression or laugh out loud when they pop on a silly wig or don a panto baddies coat. It is that sort of place.

Now in its fifth year, the premises used to be the store room for Theatre Royal costumes. Rather than let them gather dust, management decided to increase revenue by hiring them out.

Schools, colleges, dramatic societies and more than a few party animals have felt the benefits.

Berwick Kaler's best-loved dame dresses, hats, coats, wigs and even a kangaroo suit fill the racks.

The shop is run by a committed team led by lively Scot Pauline Rourke.

She said: "I love working here, it is incredibly interesting and a lot of fun. Our costumes range from the historical to the hysterical."

The premises opens two days a week on Saturdays between 10pm and 4pm and Wednesdays between 11pm and 3pm. Full costume for a week costs £23.

For more information contact Pauline Rourke on York 636627.