TOUGH budget decisions have caused the top officer of North Yorkshire County Council to urge the electorate to give him their views.

Chief executive Jeremy Walker has spoken to the public about the choices, one of which includes increasing council tax levels by seven per cent.

And he has asked people to email him, or attend special meetings organised to take account of their views.

In a special page on the council's internet site, he said: "Councillors and officers are now working on some very tough decisions in relation to the budget.

"There are now some critical factors which have to be taken into consideration."

He said they include:

- Teachers' pay increases, which are rising faster than inflation, and make up a quarter of the authority's budget

- North Yorkshire's schools teaching an extra 1,200 pupils next year, at a cost of £3,000 each

- A population which is living longer needing more home and residential care. This is a particular problem for North Yorkshire, where many people move to enjoy their retirement

- More teachers and support staff being needed to bring down class sizes.

Mr Walker added: "The Government works out a spending assessment followed by a redistribution exercise which is designed to reflect varying wage costs across the country.

"The effect is always to move money to London and the South East. In real terms, North Yorkshire loses out to the tune of £1.8 million."

Council leader David Ashton, a member of the Conservative group, said: "Inflation alone will push up council costs by about £13 million, and the Government's own assessment is that North Yorkshire County Council spending should increase by almost £19 million."

The Government's grant has increased by only about £11 million.

Coun Ashton said: "This will inevitably result in council tax rises which are higher than inflation, and cuts in some services may also be a possibility."

Special area meetings between the council and the public have been held at venues across the county all month, with remaining events to be held in Northallerton on January 22 and in Whitby on January 25.

The final budget decision will be made on February 21.

The North Yorkshire County Council website can be found at, from which Mr Walker can be emailed.

Updated: 10:11 Saturday, January 20, 2001