Need some inspiration for a dinner party? Why not try these recipes from The Lime House, Goodramgate, York?


Duck Leg Confit

(Serves 4)

4 duck legs (English)

Rock sale

8 Star Anise

1 packet/tin goose fat

1 bag mixed salad

2 sticks celery

Pickled walnuts


Rub salt and half Star Anise into the duck leg. Leave covered in fridge overnight. Next day wash salt off and pat dry. Place in a baking tray with the goose fat and other half of Star Anise. Cover and cook Gas 4, 150C for one and a half hours until cooked through.

Prepare salad. Julienne (cut into thin strips) the celery and place in iced water to make them crunch and curl. Slice walnuts.

When duck is cooked, fry in a hot pan for one minute to crisp the skin. Mix salad ingredients, season and dress the salad. Place on middle of plate with duck breast on top.

Serving suggestion: An excellent accompaniment is cranberry sauce or citrus chutney.

Main Course

Baked Sea Bass Tuscan Style

(Serves 4)

4 Sea bass (filleted, scaled and pinboned - ask the fishmonger)

1 bulb fennel

2 red peppers

1 red onion

1 chilli

bulb garlic, sliced


Lemon Thyme


150ml olive oil

Salt & pepper


8 Cherry tomatoes


Slice all the vegetables, dice chilli, pick herbs. Cut tomatoes in half. Combine all these ingredients with oil and salt and pepper. Leave overnight in the fridge to infuse.

Put fish on baking tray and smother with vegetable mixture. Place in hot oven 180C, Gas 5 and bake for ten-15 minutes.

Serving suggestions: Serve with Aioli, garlic potatoes and green salad, or stuffed peppers.


Ginger Creme Brulee Glazed With Banana

(Serves 4)

5 egg yolks

1 pint whipping cream

1 root fresh ginger

50g caster sugar

1 banana


Peel and dice ginger. Place in pan with two-thirds of sugar. Fry gently until lightly caramelised. Pour cream in slowly and bring to the boil.

Separate eggs. In a bowl add the yolks to the remaining sugar, beat. Pour two-thirds of cream mixture to egg mix, mix well. Return egg and cream mixture to the pan and heat gently until mixture coats the back of a spoon. Do not allow to boil. Strain to remove ginger. Place in ramekin dishes and set in the fridge.

Thinly slice the banana. Arrange on top of each ramekin. Coat in sugar and place under a very hot grill to caramelise or use a blowtorch if available.