A SMALL article which may have been overlooked by many (January 13) implied that York's City Screen only shows 'obscure independent films and old blockbusters' (totally incorrect) - and that by applying for an extended licence has to go downmarket in order to get the punters in, via encouraging them to get drunk in the aisles! Surely our local press could be more accurate and supportive in its reportage?

City Screen is a huge success; worth every penny of its £5 million. It is a civilised way of going to the cinema in 2001 - it offers good food and bar facilities for all; an Internet caf and a creche. Its cinematic presentation in all three screens is exemplary, as is the courtesy of the staff. I would far rather watch a film there than the Odeon or making the long trek out into the nether regions of Clifton Moor.

In fact City Screen, with its poetry, jazz and comedy evenings, is fast becoming the new Arts Centre of York.

David Bell,

Bramham Grove,


Updated: 11:26 Saturday, January 20, 2001