MY wife and children had a narrow escape from the accident on the A64 on Thursday night at the notorious Bilborough Top junction. She was in the inside lane heading toward Tadcaster, preparing to turn into the village slip lane when a driver failed to stop at the junction and ploughed straight into the busy A64 traffic.

My wife managed to brake and swerve out of the way, but the driver in the outside lane was not so lucky. He hit the crossing car with no warning at high speed.

It was a harrowing experience for my children as my wife immediately raised the emergency services and stayed with the drivers until the ambulance arrived. Two other motorists also stopped to assist, and my wife said the staff of the Q8 garage were marvellous - bringing water out etc for the injured drivers.

Having lived in Appleton and Colton for four years we have seen countless accidents at this junction, and several fatalities.

No one would dream of trying to cross a 70 mph motorway - so why allow it here? Is it just a case of profit before lives?

I am fully aware of the proposed flyover in 2004. But how many more people must be seriously injured or have their lives ruined in the intervening time? Close the gaps now - yes it will be inconvenient local people, but maybe we will all be much safer.

Tim Naughton,

Paddock House,

Appleton Roebuck, York.

Updated: 11:27 Saturday, January 20, 2001