YET again there was another accident at the A64 Bilborough Gap last night.

This time it was on the westbound side, however traffic on the eastbound side had slowed to around 20mph by the Aagrah restaurant caused purely by people slowing to look.

This could have so easily caused a further number of shunts due to "rubber necking".

How much longer will the Highways Agency play God with the lives of those who travel through, live and work in that area? Or are businesses in the area keeping the pressure on the Highways Agency to keep it open?

One life lost is one too many. I'm sure people would not mind the extra detour to the York outer ring road at Askham Bryan to safely cross the A64 and live to see another day.

It cannot be too difficult to light the area and put a pedestrian island in as on the outer ring road at Askham Bryan, Woodthorpe and so on.

We need action now, not discussion.

John Middleton,

Halladale Close,


Updated: 10:39 Friday, January 19, 2001