Despite a late objection, plans to expand by successful Malton company Pro-Pak are still on course.

In December the meat packing company was successful in its application to move the York Road travellers site to the other side of the carriageway.

This meant they were able to start work on the expansion of their own building, currently next to the travellers site.

The company may have had to leave Malton if permission was not granted, they said at the time.

Several residents had objected to Pro-Pak's plans, and their views were taken into account at last month's meeting.

However, one objection was lodged right on the December 14 deadline, which meant the issue had to go back to planners last night.

After considering it though, they found no grounds for the deferment requested, and the original decision to approve Pro-Pak's application was upheld.

Updated: 10:57 Wednesday, January 17, 2001