MORE flooding misery loomed in Ryedale today as Welham Road, Norton, was put on alert.

The flood warning extended to the whole of the River Derwent, including Buttercrambe and Stamford Bridge.

And flooding once again hit parts of York city centre close to the River Ouse.

Welham Road residents will have been particularly hit hard by the news, as theirs was one of the worst affected parts of the country in the recent flooding disaster.

An Environment Agency spokesman said the warning meant flooding was expected, and residents should act straight away to protect themselves and their property.

He added: "Obviously we will be monitoring the situation closely and will make announcements as and when required. The advice we would give residents at the moment is to be vigilant.

"Be prepared to protect your property and yourselves, listen to broadcasts on the local news, alert neighbours, especially if they are elderly, and call Floodline for the latest updates."

The Mayor of Norton, Margaret Taylor, said: "Every time it has rained recently I have feared for the people on Welham Road. This news underlines the fact that something must be done, and it must be done now."

In York, water was seeping quickly into St George's Field car park and King's Staith was badly hit, with the King's Arms once more surrounded by water.

Environment Agency flood warnings remained in place for riverside footpaths in and around York, as well as for Naburn Lock.

A spokeswoman said the River Ouse was likely to peak at 13 ft, two inches above normal, at 6pm.

At the peak of the autumn floods, the river was more than four feet higher than today's predicted levels.

There were also flood warnings for Aldwark Bridge, north of York, and Milby Island, at Boroughbridge.

An Environment Agency spokeswoman said that as land was saturated flooding could hit agricultural land and minor roads.

The Floodline number is 0845 9881188.