A YORK drugs dealer was today starting four-and-a-half years in jail after police dogs found his stash of heroin.

Stephen John Eastwood, 34, removed the interior of an electrical adapter and stored 7.28g of the drug inside it, a jury at York Crown Court heard.

The adapter was plugged into a wall socket when police raided his home in Vincent Way, Foxwood, on May 20.

But when detectives called in drug sniffer dogs, the animals revealed the deception.

Eastwood denied possessing heroin with intent to supply.

He claimed to the jury that he had put the heroin in the adapter two or three years earlier and forgotten about it because he was then high on drugs.

But the jury unanimously convicted him of heroin dealing, and Judge Paul Hoffman jailed him for four-and-a-half years.

"Anyone who takes part in dealing in drugs helps to perpetuate the habit which leads to the crippling of people and the crippling of society," he told Eastwood.

Ian Gilmore, prosecuting, said police found scales used for measuring heroin, drug debtor lists and other drug paraphernalia in Eastwood's home.

The jury heard the 7.28g stash could have made 73 wraps, with a total street value of £730.

The jury heard Eastwood, who lives on benefit, turned to heroin as a result of the tragic death of his girlfriend. He gave differing accounts of how much heroin he used a week.

For Eastwood, Robert Terry said he had lost the desire to live when his girlfriend died.

He had committed the offence to fund his own habit, which he had now reduced.