I THINK I'm in love with Chris Titley, 'Titters' as I like to call him, well he certainly makes me laugh. His hilarious piece Taking bets on the Street (December 6), just proves his dedication to work and detailed knowledge about the soaps - poor lad must get out more.

Perhaps he should join one of our local amateur dramatic companies. The Stockton Foresters for example who were pictured on the same Wednesday evening page displaying their many talents for 'Out of Focus'. Unfortunately they were wrongly billed by the Evening Press as the Shipton Players.

Switch off those soaps Chris and join us for fun and frolics in the real world.

Pamela Egan,

North Lane,


...CHRIS Titley's attempt at humour is pathetic. Helen Mead on the other hand is possibly the only person currently employed at the Evening Press with anything that could be described as wit.

I suggest Helen should be 'guest' editor of the letters page, hopefully giving some acid replies to some of your more banal, whinging correspondents.

Andrew Miller,

Navigation Road,
