I WONDER whether shops, supermarkets and their suppliers are really aware of the very large number of people for whom Christmas is still a Christian festival.

The sight of advent calendars which have degenerated into countdown calendars saddens us greatly.

The words "Have a Magic Chrimbo" (seen on a card in one supermarket) offend us deeply.

We have seen over the years a huge increase in the commercialisation of Christmas, but if we leave out altogether the celebration of Christ's birth from our festivities we are left with just an empty shell. No wonder we have so many problems in our society and so many people who are depressed and without hope.

Our lack of any Christian faith means that there is not a lot to hope for in this materialistic society.

However, we can still look for the Christ child in the midst of the glitter and hype and find him in our hearts this Christmas time.

Jean Frost,

Elmpark Way,
