A national charity based in Malton has launched an appeal for £100,000.

If the money is raised the Encephalitis Support Group will expand its headquarters to include a library and reading room, training and meeting facilities, plus improved office facilities for the group's five staff.

The group was set up in Malton several years ago by Elaine Dowell, whose son suffers from the disease, which attacks the brain's ability to fight off viruses.

The group's aim is to offer advice, help and support to people who suffer from encephalitis and their families.

An increasing workload means the group has now outgrown the premises, and is looking to expand into an adjoining building. During the appeal, donors will be invited to "complete the jigsaw", with each puzzle piece being worth £100; 120 pieces are already in place.

The jigsaw symbolises the various missing pieces that exist in the group's search for more information and research into the condition.

Elaine said: "Every day we encounter people whose lives are in pieces because of encephalitis. Our aim is to help them pick up the pieces and put them together again with the support of the group."

* If you would like more information about the group, or would like to make a donation to the appeal fund, ring 01653 699599.