Stars of York's three rival pantomimes team up to throw their weight behind the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children and the charity's Full Stop Campaign.

Fairy Godmother Julia Burnett, from the York Grand Opera House pantomime, Cinderella, joined regular Dame Berwick Kaler, from the York Theatre Royal pantomime, Dick Whittington, and Postman Pat from York's Barbican Centre offering.

Other pantomime stars were also on hand to show their support for the campaign, launched by the Duke of York in March 1999.

The aim of the campaign is to bring an end to cruelty to children during the next 20 years.

There are currently about 35,000 children on child protection registers in the UK.

This is the latest in a chain of events organised to support the NSPCC's campaign, which also included carol singing at the National Railway Museum last month.