York City striker Alex Mathie is willing to sacrifice personal goal glory for the greater good.

Hamstring troubles have seen the former Ipswich Town goal king's appearances and goal returns limited since his September switch to Bootham Crescent.

With just one goal to his name so far, many strikers would be starting to feel the pressure.

But as he prepares himself for tomorrow's eagerly awaited FA Cup second round tie with Reading at Bootham Crescent, the vastly experienced Mathie admits his game has undergone a shift of emphasis.

"To be fair, goals isn't all about my game nowadays," explained the 31-year-old.

"I'm creating a lot more than I used to. Before, I would get all the chances and people would create things for me.

"Now I feel as if I have got to be the creator and I don't mind that as long as the team are getting points and the fans realise I am doing the business in other respects."

Not that Mathie's hunger for goals has diminished.

"To be fair, I have not really had a chance in the last few games I have played, I have basically been the one creating them more than anything else," he said

"As long as David (McNiven) is scoring then I don't mind.

"But hopefully, if I get the chances I will put them away."

Mathie admitted the City faithful had not yet seen the best of him.

"My fitness isn't bad," said the former Newcastle and Celtic ace.

"I felt all right on Saturday and have felt better over the last few days.

"It was my first start for a long time and while I wouldn't say I was 100 per cent, I am about 90 per cent now.

"It is getting better all the time and as long as I keep getting the ball to my feet I'm sure I will create something."

Mathie believes tomorrow's cup clash was a welcome break from the pressure of the League.

"We are the smaller club playing against Reading who are a big club and so we are going in as underdogs, but we fancy our chances.

"If we can play and work hard, working hard is the important thing, then anything can happen in the cup.

"In the League it's slightly different. I think we are only six points off the top half which isn't too bad really.

"But we would have hoped to be in a better situation than we are.

"Obviously, we can only rectify that ourselves but a Cup run would give us a massive boost.

"Everyone wants a cup run and if we get past Reading we could get one of the big boys which would be great."