A Jacket worn by the Peter Pan of pop is going under the hammer to raise money for a York theatre company.

Cliff Richard has donated a red jacket, worn during a live performance, to Riding Lights Theatre Company, based in Lower Friargate, York, to be among the items in a special auction to raise money for an extension to the building.

And to make sure the jacket is available to all Cliff's fans, it is being auctioned globally on the web. More details are available from the Riding Lights website: www.rltc.org/cliff

And those who may have missed their vocation in life as a star of the stage or screen will get the chance to appear in a short film performance alongside professional actors at the special event on December 14.

After successfully bidding for the cameo role, the winner will be swept off into a back room and given a small part in an impromptu performance.

Angela Anelay, one of the event's organisers, said: "This is a fabulous opportunity for anyone with that nagging feeling that they missed their Hollywood vocation. And in grasping your golden moment of glory you also get to contribute to a very good cause."

Meanwhile Antony Dunn, marketing manager for the theatre company, said: "Cliff Richard's jacket is bright red and will be a very desirable item for someone, I'm sure. We don't really know what it will fetch but there may be someone who will consider it absolutely priceless. We're going to be as surprised as anyone."

The event promises an evening of rousing performances, live entertainment and the auction.

It takes place on December 14 at the Merchant Adventurer's Hall. To book a ticket, call Riding Lights on 01904 655317.

Postal Bids for Cliff's jacket can be sent to Riding Lights, Friargate Theatre, Lower Friargate, YORK YO1 9SL or by email to bids@rltc.org. Bidding closes at noon on December 14 after which the only other bids which will be accepted will be at the event. Telephone bids will not be accepted.