A brewer's Christmas ale will hardly be supped in his home city as many York pubs cannot stock it.

Andrew Whalley, head brewer at York Brewery, Toft Green, is disappointed the seasonal 4.8 per cent ABV brew Stocking Filler will be available at so few pubs.

"It is such a shame," he said while supping a half-pint of the dark, creamy ale.

"We spend so much time honing the ingredients and, due to tight regulations at managed pubs, it's hard to find it in the city. It should be a local beer for local people."

Many public houses in York are owned by big pub companies which effectively limit them to ordering from a national list of beers - and at prices with which small independents, such as York Brewery, cannot compete. The Black Swan, Peaseholme Green, the Lendal Cellars, Lendal, and the Swan, Clementhorpe, are among the few selling the beer and other York Brewery brews.