A big switch-on in Malton saw 2000 Christmas lights illuminated - each one representing someone special.

The lights form the decoration of a 25ft high Christmas tree outside local construction firm Harrison, who have donated the tree.

Part of the Light Up A Life appeal for St Catherine's Hospice at Scarborough, they were turned on by Simon Howard, of Castle Howard.

The idea behind the appeal is for local people and businesses to sponsor a light in memory of someone they are separated from at Christmas time.

The name of each person the light represents will also be entered into a book of memories, which will be displayed

The hospice, which provides care for people with life threatening illnesses, is now only £1,000 off its £10,000 appeal target.

Fundraiser Helen Young said: "We are very grateful to everyone who has sponsored a light so far and would love to hear from anyone who would like to sponsor one of those that remain."

Harrison director Stephen Jenneson said: "We are pleased to have been involved in raising awareness of the appeal in Malton. I know that several members of staff have sponsored lights and we wish the hospice every success in reaching it's target."

Anyone who would like to sponsor a light should either call in to the St Catherine's shop in Malton, or ring 01723 378406.