RUTH Potter is wrong to say in her letter (December 1) that Liberal Democrats are opposed to greater investment in education. Just the opposite: in fact, we have consistently campaigned for a 1p increase in income tax (ring-fenced) to fund improvements (not the £120 figure that she quotes).

However, we must be sure that any investment is spent wisely and the Labour Government policy of drip-feeding small amounts direct to schools on a per child basis is flawed.

Some of our older schools in York are in much greater need of investment than those built over the last few years.

An estimated £18 million (council figures) is needed to repair and bring York's schools up to modern standards.

Researchers found that of the money allocated direct to schools by central Government, very little was being spent on repairing the fabric of the buildings.

The decline in the condition of our schools mirrors the long-standing lack of appropriate investment in the city's swimming pools, youth clubs, car parks and transport infrastructure. Labour's expenditure plans are an example of too little, too late... and in the wrong place.

Coun Nick Blitz (Lib Dem),

Greystoke Road,

