MR Ibbott wonders about First York's plans, and so do I (Letters, December 4). There's a reply-paid card on the booklet - but with an insultingly minute space for comment.

An information caravan - but with timings that exclude anyone who uses the bus to get to work, and no system for recording the many points that I heard people making when it was in St Sampson's Square last week.

Lots of coloured diagrams - but little real detail (for the mauve line, all it says is "two-hourly", and when I rang and asked when the first bus into York would be, I was told there was no proposed timetable yet).

Every appearance of detailed research - except that the proposals are based on analysis of existing ticket sales by consultants (I wonder if any of them visited York?).

This is a most serious flaw, since it can't recognise the journeys passengers might really want to make rather than those available - and even more disappointingly, that there are people who don't use the buses at all because the service doesn't meet their needs.

The whole thing fills me with foreboding.

I can just see the every-ten-minutes "you won't need a timetable" turning out to mean it's more difficult to complain that a specific bus hasn't shown up.

As one of the First York managers said to another of your readers before stopping the service to his village recently, they're there to make money; fair enough, but then they should give good value for it, and that doesn't seem high on their agenda.

Michael Cadoux,

Church Street,

