TIM Bennett, deputy president of the National Farmers' Union was in Malton last week to address the local group AGM at the Green Man.

He gave an overview of the current

major issues the union is working on, on behalf of its members, and commented that he had recently drawn up a list which showed that there were over 70 items on which lobbying is ongoing which are regarded as urgent.

Whilst it was recognised that the weakness of the Euro was of major

importance, some compensation for sectors had been achieved in agri monetary compensation recently.

The whole future of the sugar beet industry was seen as been under threat due to proposals on the table in Europe to allow Britain to become a dumping ground for other countries' surplus sugar. All sugar beet growers had been written to recently and they were urged again to write to members of the Government on this issue.

The success of the 'little red tractor' food logo was discussed as a marketing tool to highlight to consumers the higher standards of production in this country Mr Bennett added: "Contrary to some reports, only British products hold the license to market under the logo."

On the possibility of flood compensation, Mr Bennett highlighted major obstacles to overcome: firstly, securing funds from the government, secondly gaining approval from the EU as it would be a single state payment and, lastly, administering who the money went to.

He highlighted one particular dilemma on the possible distribution of funds. "There are many potato growers who may not have actually hade flood water on their land but due to the extreme weather they have been unable to harvest their crop"

The NFU is conducting a survey of to identify the level of losses across the country and this information will be used in negotiations with the government.