An enterprising student is set to make himself a pre-Christmas fortune by selling a much-sought after computer console.

The cheeky seller, calling himself only Paul, 21, placed an advert in the Evening Press, offering the "unwanted gift" of a PlayStation 2 for £1,500.

After pre-ordering the machine, one of only 165,000 high-tech machines to be imported, Paul paid his £300 at Argos and began playing games on it.

After reading in the papers of the Sony console selling for up to £2,000 he thought he would take advantage of "market forces".

"I wouldn't mind keeping it," Paul told the Evening Press.

"But if somebody is prepared to pay that much money than I might as well make the most of it."

He has received a few calls of interest, including one for £500, but is waiting to see what happens.

"It is my birthday next week so it would be nice present if someone buys it."