I was appalled to read about the tragic death of Ben, the 11-year-old border collie belonging to Alf Jones (November 28). There are strict legal guidelines of how and where to place poison-bait traps and this untimely death highlights the need for responsibility by those who lay down poison bait. It is sickening to think that some people deliberately set out to poison animals.

The Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 affords protection to wild animals from poisoning. The use, storage and sale of pesticides are controlled through the Control of Pesticides Regulations 1986.

If any reader suspects that their pet has been poisoned or sees a wild animal that appears to have died under suspicious circumstances, they can report it to the Wildlife Incident Investigation Scheme on a freephone number: 0800 321 600.

After all, the next tragic death could be a small child.

Phil Shepherdson,

Chantry Close, Woodthorpe, York.