Pippa Watt runs the York School of Complementary Medicine and teaches aromatherapy, relexology and massage.

Can anything help my sinuses?

Q: I have suffered from blocked sinuses for many years. Although it is not a major problem I wondered if you could suggest anything in the alternate line that may help?

A: I would suggest you try a course of reflexology treatment, as this can help to alleviate blocked sinuses.

Reflexology works on the principal that there are nerve endings on the feet that correspond to all the organs and glands in the body.

By applying a form of accupressure massage to specific areas on the feet, it is possible to help balance in the corresponding area of the body.

Or you could try the Bowen Technique. This gentle non-invasive therapy encourages the body to realign itself and is very good for respiratory conditions.

I would also suggest that you try to find out what may be underlying the problem. If it is a food intolerance, you may be eating something that is aggravating your condition, such as dairy produce.

One way to find this out is to have a food allergy test. The York Nutritional Laboratories are able to test for a wide range of food allergies from just a pin prick of blood. For a food allergy testing kit, call them on freephone 0800 074 6185.

Alternatively you could make an appointment to see a nutritional allergy specialist such as Dr Damien Downing (01904 691591). Or contact the British Society for Allergy Environmental and Nutritional Medicine for an allergy specialist in your area (01547 550380).

I can't cope...

Q:I have recently gone through a traumatic divorce. On top of this I have just been made redundant. I feel that I have lost all confidence in myself and don't know how to cope. Can you help?

A:I appreciate that you have experienced a difficult time recently and would encourage you to take some positive steps towards turning your life around.

I would recommend you find a good counsellor so that you can start to work through the traumatic events of the past year. Your GP should be able to refer you to someone suitable.

Another way of helping you change your negative thoughts around is to spend 20 minutes each day doing a form of relaxation or focusing. To help you do this I would recommend you purchase one of the self-help tapes or CDs that are on the market, such as Reflections by Terry Anne Scholes. This CD has been designed specifically to help people overcome negative feelings and low self esteem. It can be purchased by mail order direct from Terry on 01904 750880.

Bach Flower Remedies may also help. These are plant essences that have been made specifically to help emotional problems. You can purchase the individual remedies from health food stores or chemists. Alternatively you could ring a Bach Flower practitioner who will advise you as to the appropriate remedies for your specific needs. Yvonne Smith is a local practitioner registered with the Bach Flower foundation. She can be contacted on 01347 810246.

Next week, counsellors from Relate will be answering questions about relationship problems. If you have any query about health, fitness or relationships, write in confidence to: The Experts, Features Department, Evening Press, 76-86 Walmgate, York, YO1 9YN, with your name, address and daytime telephone number, (these details will not be published). We regret that none of our columnists will be able to reply to individuals.