CROWDS, music, screaming girls - it all seemed reminiscent of Beatlemania in the Sixties.

Yet the scenes last night were not those of a pop star performing in front of a packed stadium, but the switching on of a shopping centre's Christmas lights by the winner of a television game show.

The artist known as Craig had been booked to switch on the lights at the Monks Cross shopping park on the outskirts of York.

He appeared on stage with a curious collection of other 21st century 'stars', Santa Claus, Postman Pat and the mascots of York City and York Wasps.

For those not in the know, Craig shot to fame in the summer as the winner of the ground-breaking Big Brother, in which he was locked up in a house for several weeks with other young people. Every move was filmed and each week one member was voted out, until Craig emerged as the winner of the £70,000 prize.

He immediately announced that the money would help a young friend who has Down's Syndrome to have a vital operation abroad. Now, in another obligatory 21st century move, Craig has released a single, which he performed last night in front of a crowd of thousands.

The inevitable media interview followed. Only not with a reporter from a local paper or radio station, but for an Internet site.

The catch-phrase that accompanied Big Brother was 'it's only a game show,' but what a game, what a result and what a fascinating insight into the personality cult of our times.