TRAVELLERS have returned to a business park on the edge of York bringing misery for those who work nearby.

Rats have been seen around Seafire Close, Clifton Moor, and the area is littered with human faeces, which have even been posted through the letterbox of nearby business Design Services.

Malcolm Harrison, managing director at Design Services, said: "Rats are running round, there are human faeces around the building. They have tethered their horses on our property and dug up all the grass.

"It's just disgusting and we have to clean it up. We are losing customers over this."

The last time the travellers were in residence in Seafire Close, in September, the Evening Press reported how Design Services might have to close because of the lost custom it had experienced.

The company thought it was rid of the travellers when they finally dispersed two months ago, but they have returned and are causing similar chaos.

Mr Harrison suggested that fences could be put up to keep travellers off the site in future and asked City of York Council for help in dealing with the problem.

A spokesman for City of York Council said: "We have been working for some time with businesses in this area to try to resolve this issue and, really, we feel we have done all we can.

"City of York Council can only get involved in such matters when public land is involved and our policy on that is quite clear in that we will seek to move travellers on where we believe there is a risk of nuisance or danger.

"In this situation we are talking about private land. Our involvement has been to agree to clean up the land and re-charge the owners once the area has been fenced off by the land owners. We are still working to try to ensure that agreement is pursued."

Hughie Smith, president of the National Gipsy Council, said: "I am sure these families don't want to encroach on private land, but they have to stop somewhere.

"If the legal sites in York are full, there is nowhere else for families who are here to do business and will be staying for only a few weeks to go.

"It is all very well for City of York Council to provide accommodation for families residing in York, but those resorting to York, who are only here for a few weeks, can't use these.

"We have spoken to City of York Council about this several years ago, but there is still no temporary site for travellers."