THERE seems to be no hope now that the Coppergate Riverside project will be significantly improved, much less stopped, by City of York Council. Like many others I fear that the damage to the ancient core of the city will be massive and probably irreversible.

But on the narrower question of the effect on the Clifford's Tower side of the River Foss, could I appeal, through your columns, directly to the developer to reconsider its design? It seems to me that if it could reduce the amount of building on that side, restricting it to the Fenwick and Castle Museum ends and leaving the central portion open, the resulting vista on to its gleaming new buildings on the Piccadilly side would be very inviting to tourists and local shoppers alike.

The walkways and bridges would be visible from a distance, drawing people from one area to another quite naturally. If the remaining area of the present car park were made into an informal, largely green, space and the Foss at that point landscaped to bring out its full potential, it would provide a link between the old and the new which could be an example to other historic towns and cities.

If Land Securities could do this in a sensitive way it would prove to be better custodians of York than the imagination-free zone which is the planning committee of the city council.

Ann Holt,

Scarcroft Hill,


...CONGRATULATIONS to the City of York Council planning committee for listening to the people of York in accepting the Land Securities plan for Coppergate II. I only hope that the councillors involved are listening when the next local government elections take place.

York neither needs nor warrants as many new shops as are envisaged by the Land Securities plan. There are enough empty shops now and shortly C&A will be closing leaving a large store on the front of Coppergate 1.

It is also possible that M&S may rationalise its stores (it's happening elsewhere), which may leave another large store vacant. Our history and the real meaning of York as a tourist city are being eroded by those who want to make money.

I would strongly ask all those who disagree with this plan to lobby John Prescott to get the Labour Government to make a proper decision for once in its term of office. Surely they can do one thing right!

Jeremy Banyard,

Bramham Grove,



...THE news that City of York Council has authorised the Coppergate Riverside scheme comes as no surprise to anyone in York. People are now well accustomed to the city council taking absolutely no notice of the wishes of the overwhelming majority: the council does what it wants, when it wants and where it wants.

The only surprise is that the council has not authorised demolition of Clifford's Tower in order to accommodate a vulgar shopping mall.

Richard Escritt,

Wilstrop Farm Road,

Copmanthorpe, York.

...I WAS quite amazed to see in the Evening Press that the Coppergate II development had been given the go ahead, having read only the night before the poll of local people which was 20 to 1 against the development

What is the point of having local councillors representing local people when their judgement is exactly the opposite of what the people want? Not much representation there!

Stuart Wilson,

Vesper Drive,



...WHY all the fuss about shops v park for Piccadilly? This city has for years cried out for a decent bus station, yet again land becomes available adjacent to the city centre and because a bus station holds no glamour no thought is given to one.

The whole country is urged to use the buses yet a city the size of York still does not have a proper purpose-built bus station.

Mrs H James,

Abbots Gait,

Huntington, York.