On January 26, the Britain-Australia Society is having a three-course dinner with a musical interlude to celebrate Australia Day and the venue will be Huntington Stadium. The Lord Mayor of York, Coun Shan Braund, will be the guest of honour. The price of tickets is £11 per person and can be obtained from our treasurer, Mr D G Pearson, tel 01423 502007.

Readers may be interested to know that Brighton School Choir from Adelaide, one of the outstanding youth choirs in Australia, are in Yorkshire early next month. Following their performance at St Martin's in the Field in London, they have been invited to sing Choral Evensong at York Minster at 5pm on December 11. They will also be giving a concert with Harrogate Grammar School in St Wilfrid's Church in Harrogate on December 9 at 7.30pm.

D G Pearson,

Britain-Australia Society,

North Yorkshire Branch,

Queen's Road, Harrogate.