Affordable housing

In response to the letter of Rene Thomas (November 13), City of York Council has been in discussion with owners SELHAL on the future of the YWCA building since the transfer earlier this year, on the provision of housing at the site in Water Lane.

The building has had a history of long-term vacancies and high turnover due to the low standard of accommodation this provides. The design and layout is outdated, providing shared, temporary accommodation in a maze of corridors and stairs.

There is an opportunity to provide good quality, well-designed and self-contained accommodation for the people of York at Water Lane. The existing building does not provide for this. SELHAL have stated its commitment to the existing residents and would have to satisfy the council on the details of their strategy for the redevelopment. The council continues to liaise with SELHAL to ensure the future of affordable housing on the site.

Dilys Jones,

Investment and Development Manager,

City of York Council,

George Hudson Street,
