Special flood teams are further damaging furniture ruined by river waters to stop people taking contaminated goods into their homes.

City of York Council workmen are touring affected areas to pick up equipment left out as rubbish.

Anything which seems to be in reasonable condition is being further damaged to remove temptation for people to take it from council dumps.

A spokesman for the authority said: "Basically, we are saying these things are not in working condition or have been contaminated by the floodwater, which is why they have been thrown out.

"We have special teams picking up damaged goods which people are being asked to leave out with their rubbish bins. Anything which could be tempting to others is being further damaged.

"People should be very aware of the health risks of taking this furniture and using it in their homes."

Collected equipment is being taken to the council's Foss Islands depot, which is a secure dump, before being disposed of from there.