DEPUTY Prime Minister John Prescott visited our flood-stricken region yesterday and blamed much of the problem on global warming. He also said this sort of thing would happen more often.

That was no consolation to the thousands of families around the country, especially in North and East Yorkshire, who have been driven from their homes by the deluge.

We don't want excuses about the planet's climate. We want cash, we want action and we want it sooner rather than later. Our region has been devastated by the second wave of serious flooding in less than two years. Surely now we can expect the government to wade in with practical assistance in dealing with these conditions and helping with the aftermath.

The government last week announced an extra £51 million towards flood relief in England over the next four years. So far it is unclear just what that money will be spent on, though it is expected muchwill go into research into the causes of the recent disasters.

What we need is government action and funding to build new flood defences and to reimburse the local councils and emergency services for their overtime and fuel bills, and the money they have spent on operations such as sandbagging.

These authorities' budgets are stretched to the limits at the best of times. They should not have their efforts inhibited by having to keep one eye on the pennies even though Mr Prescott says he is speeding up compensation to councils in such circumstances.

North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service is said to have used up its budget for the rest of the year in dealing with the flooding emergency because there is no separate purse for dealing with flooding emergencies.

It is no good Mr Prescott dashing around Yorkshire pandering to national and international television as he did yesterday, ignoring the local media who have worked round the clock trying to keep people informed. Let's see some offer of practical help - now.