YORK MP Hugh Bayley is reported as saying that pensioners should not be penalised for having prudently saved (Evening Press, October 31). Why has it taken three years for Labour to admit pensioners are being penalised?

Could it be because Tony Blair is worried over the furore relating to the pathetic 75p increase in pensions that Labour awarded, the lack of DSS support for the elderly, or the fact that the abolition of the married couple's allowance meant that people like me actually got less pension this year than last?

York is a marginal seat, and so-called socialist Labour's promise to return some of the money they have stolen from us at some distant, post-election date, will not be enough to persuade the penalised pensioners to vote Labour.

When is the married couple's allowance going to be restored, and why was it taken away in the first place?

John Simpson,

Geldof Road,

Huntington, York.