THIS may not be the place if you are suffering from the blues. On the other hand maybe it is! Primrose decoration is set off with blue, blue tablecloths, blue-handled cutlery, blue china not to mention the display of blue teapots.

There are wall (not ceiling) mounted clothes airers. Uncharacteristically the bars hold a collection of dolls and teddy bears.

In addition to the simple menu, there were extensive specials boards. Soup - either spicy tomatoes with noodles or carrot and coriander - would set you back £2.50. Fresh mushrooms on toast cost £3.95.

My eye alighted on the jacket potatoe (oh dear) with steak, mushrooms, onion and a side garnish. At £4.25 the portion delivered to a nearby table looked excellent value.

Conscious that we were on our way to a celebration family dinner, Ann was circumspect in her choice. A toasted cheese and tomato sandwich did her nicely. It was all she hoped it would be.

Platters of sandwiches and many other goodies were being taken out to neighbouring businesses. I heard the word bacon sandwich. That would do me nicely. The bacon was lean and not salty. Nevertheless we both downed two cups of tea. We decided to share franzipan with cream (£2.40). This mouth-watering gooseberry pastry topped with almond sponge could not have been better.

For this snack at £12.80 we broke the budget. But for this tranquil backwater, with its courtyard and prolific hanging baskets, we felt it was worth the money.

Graeme Robertson