It is unlikely that the Animals Hospitals Cup angling match due to be fished on the Ouse this weekend will be able to go ahead.

At the time of writing the river is 16 feet above its normal level and in danger of swamping the city of York.

Unless the level falls at least 10 feet by tomorrow afternoon, which seems unlikely, the Animals Hospitals Cup match looks set to go the same way as the Ouse Championships.

Match competition this weekend will probably be restricted to stillwaters.

The options include Woodlands tomorrow, the Oaks, Raker Lakes and the Selby Canal on Sunday.

The Oaks has been fishing, with plenty of smaller carp falling to maggot.

Further north, at Woodlands, corn has taken from pellets and paste as the vogue bait.

Last week's contest at Raker was disappointing, but the fish should now have acclimatised to the colder water and be willing to feed.

Teams competing in this year's York Winter League should note that the annual meeting will be held at the City Arms, Fawcett Street, York, on Thursday, November 9.

The league is once again sponsored by Acomb Tackle. Bishopthorpe and Acaster club have donated the use of their Bridge Field fishery.

With one less team competing in the league this year the pegging should be slightly more comfortable, though some work still needs to be done clearing pegs. Those wishing to help in bank clearing duties should contact Neil Webster on York 424872.

Colin Hibberd takes over from Barry Richardson as chairman. Other changes include two new team names. Tang Hall will now be known as York Tackle and last year's champions Black Bull become Wibsey Angling.

Dates for the series are December 3, January 10, January 21, February 11, February 25, March 4 and March 11.

Some of the dates will also count towards the Yorkshire Water Rivercare championships.

When the floods recede and anglers can get back on the bank please be vigilant for stranded fish.

Areas that usually harbour fish when the river returns to its banks include Palace Ings, Rawcliffe Ings and Middlethorpe Ings.

The Environment Agency can be contacted 24 hours a day free of charge on 0800 80 70 60. They will arrange a team of fisheries officers to perform a rescue operation.