There's water, water everywhere in Old Malton - but there's still plenty to drink, as one of the village pubs has carried on serving right through the crisis.

The Royal Oak, where staff backed the Evening Press Save Ryedale from Flooding campaign only weeks ago, has again been inundated with water.

But landlady Juliet Stimson said that she was determined to keep serving in an attempt to help keep people's spirits up.

She said: "The pub is something of a sanctuary spot for the villagers. As long as we can remain open we will do. Regulars can gather here, have a drink and a chat, rather than just sit at home watching the levels rise again.

"I suppose we are just making the best of the situation. There is nothing we can do apart from get on with it. Other people could be doing something about it, but we can't. So we've just got to get on with it."

And the beer is certainly flowing, as Juliet and her regulars will testify after a spot of welly wearing fun on Wednesday night.

She added: "We all had sufficient alcohol to have a welly dancing session in the bar. It was a laugh and hopefully took people's minds off things for a while. That is what we are here for."

Head chef Dave Beck said the community spirit in Old Malton is still high, despite the crisis.

"Juliet decided to stay open as long as she possibly could and I am glad she did. People are gathering in the pub, just as they would, flood or no flood. Everyone is in good spirits and they are enjoying their beers - they are just having to wear wellies to do it."

Dave said visitors to the Royal Oak will have to make do with a pint only - the menu is definitely off.

He said: "We are having to leave the food well alone for hygiene reasons. The kitchen is pretty much a no-go area, and so we'll have to wait for the green light from environmental health. We'll bounce back from this though. It's been done before and we'll do it again."