The national charity Scope has stepped in with a large cash donation to help its friends in York fighting to "save SNAPPY".

David Hayes, who is company director of Scope, lives in Dunnington, York, and said he had received appeals from the charity for help.

The charity had to close its Junior and Senior SNAPPY projects, which cater for 14 to 25-year-olds because of a shortage of funds.

But it has stressed it still intends to run its core activities and that it needs £50,000 a year to do this.

Mr Hayes said: "SNAPPY has appealed to Scope nationally through myself.

"I am also treasurer of York Cerebral Palsy and have been aware of the good work done by SNAPPY for ten years.

"I'm sticking my neck out and saying SNAPPY cannot be allowed to close down, not just because of the effect on children and young people, but on the carers."

He said Scope was donating "several thousand pounds" to SNAPPY, but stressed it still needed support from local businesses and organisations.

He said: "Scope and York Cerebral Palsy have limited funds, both locally and nationally.

"Parents, carers and people with disabilities have to scratch around for everything at the moment.

"SNAPPY needs permanent funding and we can't afford to give them ongoing support - our support is in the face of an urgent crisis.

"I would appeal to other people to do the same, to help SNAPPY."

A total of £5,500 was raised for the charity when SNAPPY announced that its junior and senior groups would probably close if £30,000 could not be raised.