York RI continued their domination of York Badminton League men's first division with a comprehensive 9-0 win at Selby '77.

Andy Denton and Richard McGrory topped the Institute returns with three straight wins for a return of 90-20.

A close game in men's division two saw visitors Millthorpe edge home 5-4 at Knavesmire.

Although Dave Brogden and Andy Limbert took all three wins for Knavesmire for a return of 90-48, Roger Martin and Paul Elliott claimed the win bonus points with a six and five over Dominic Smith and Paul Rogers.

University Students 'B' started their season in style after an 8-1 win at RI T/Thursday 'B'.

Peter Robinson and Ben Tilley put in the best Student display with three wins for 103-47, including a 15-12, 13-15, 15-4 over Dave Thompson and Ian Tucker.

Thompson and Tucker took the Institute consolation with a 17-14, 15-11 over Simon Taylor and Michael Chisholme.

Sheriff Hutton were good value for a 7-2 home win over Clifton 'B' in mixed division two.

Dave Grieve and Jo Wade took three home wins for a return of 100-71, including a 13 and ten over Ian Shore and Gerry Screeton, who notched both Clifton wins.

Railway Institute Tuesday-Thursday were pushed hard by Millthorpe before winning 5-4.

Roger Martin and Ann Casper took three Millthorpe wins for 90-41, but Institute hit back to take the match in the final rubber when Matt Hitchins and Sue Raine beat John Deighton and C McQuade seven and seven.

Clifton 'B' suffered another reverse when they lost 5-4 at Rowntree 'B'. The best display came from Clifton's Ian Shore and Gerry Screeton, who took three wins for 98-66 including a 6-15, 15-6, 15-10 over Jeff Whitaker and Brenda Drummond.

Rowntree 'B' scored another home win when they beat Huntington 'A' 8-1.

Whitaker and Drummond top scored for the confectionery side with three straight wins for 90-36. Paul Moisley and Angela Hobman took the Huntington consolation with an 11 and ten over Steve Andrew and Sheila Mackerel.

YUSC 'A' gave Knavesmire 'A' a run for their money before losing 7-2. Dave Brogden and Joy Wilson laid the victory foundations with three wins for 105-62. Nicky Rolley and Andy Brown took two Staff Club wins, but lost out 11 and three to Brogden and Wilson.

Drax 'D' won 5-4 at Huntington 'B' in mixed division four. A Boyes and T Nicoline took the match-winning maximum for a return of 86-42, while Mark Tebbutt and Carolyn Arden won twice for Huntington but lost 13-8, 4-13, 7-15 to Boyes and Nocline.

Pocklington 'C' used home advantage to beat Fulfordgate 'B' 5-4 in mixed division six with the best display of the match coming from Fulfordgate's Pete Twidell and Gill Merrick, who took all three for 109-96. Tom Rastall and Sally Whilesmith sealed the win with a five and five over Ruth Roberts and Paul Hobman.