Two Ryedale friends have been hailed as heroes after they risked their own lives to save others at the latest tragedy on the A64's notorious Golden Hill.

Jim McGibbon, of Norton, and Steve Buckley, of Malton, witnessed a road accident on the hill earlier this week, in which teenagers Tom Leng and Rebecca Atkinson died.

But the friends almost certainly prevented even greater tragedy by dragging two youths away from the blazing car.

One youth trapped in the car has since died, but, as Jim, 38, said, the rescue gave him the chance to live.

Jim said: "The car with the lad in was well ablaze and I was terrified, I don't mind admitting that. I've got two kids of my own and I just kept thinking of them, but I couldn't leave him.

"At first he was stuck, but somehow I got him out. I was praying to myself the car didn't blow up."

Jim got the youth clear before the car exploded, while Steve had also dragged the driver clear just in time.

Steve said: "Somehow we managed to do it. But it was a horrible scene. I never want to see anything like that ever again."

By this time, the two had been joined by a doctor and some council workers that Steve knew and flagged down.

Jim said: "At first though, we were on our own in that field and we did what we could. We are just sorry for the parents of those that died we couldn't do more."

Traffic Sergeant David Elders, who dealt with the accident, said: "The actions of these two men were hugely commendable and there are a number of awards they could be put forward for."

Ryedale MP John Greenway, who has campaigned for the Golden Hill crawler lane to be closed, said: "I would also commend the huge bravery of these two men, shown in the face of yet another tragic incident linked to this stretch of road."

Meanwhile, the entire community of Thornton-le-Dale is said to be reeling from the shock over news of the crash which claimed the lives of the two teenagers.

The family of Tom, who was a construction student at York College and who worked in Safeways in Pickering are devastated at the news.

Villagers are said to be rallying round the two families and a floral tribute has been put round a tree near to the village duck pond where Tom used to meet his friends.