Surprise tyre safety checks will be made by North Yorkshire police over the next week, the force warned today.

The recent torrential rain has heightened concerns that defective or worn tyres could lead to more fatal crashes on the county's roads.

"It is no coincidence that road deaths have increased across North Yorkshire during the last few weeks of wet weather," said Traffic Sergeant Nigel Atkinson, who is co-ordinating the campaign.

"Unsafe tyres mean unsafe vehicles that cannot corner or brake as well as they should; that's a situation we will not tolerate."

A series of similar checks carried out by the force two years ago showed a "woeful" 13 per cent of vehicles stopped had at least one illegal tyre.

Traffic police have promised "firm action" against anyone who fails any of the 20 checks planned across the county.

Chief Constable David Kenworthy today made the first tyre check to launch the campaign.

Mr Kenworthy said all motorists should be making a pre-winter tyre check now.

"This week's torrential rain has emphasised the dangers of going out on anything but sound tyres," he said.

"Anyone driving on worn or defective tyres should now take this as a warning next week North Yorkshire police will be out looking for you."

* A tyre safety clinic will be held outside Tesco at Clifton Moor tomorrow from 10am.