I HAVE a shop in Fossgate, to which I need access with heavy boxes, most days. Thanks to the bollard I now have to make a long detour to reach my shop, causing extra air pollution (which we are surely against), as well as frustration and expense to myself (which I am against).

Mr Evely - York's traffic tsar - says six people were injured in Pavement in three years. Two motorists have been injured in two weeks.

Careless pedestrians are more often to blame than careful motorists, for city centre accidents. What is Tsar Evely doing to keep these reckless lunatics out of the city centre?

There never was a "problem". There were a few irritations, now there are many more.

Jack Duncan,



...IS it too soon to dig up this rising bollard (Evening Press, October 24) or should we wait for a few more people to be injured unnecessarily? The safety aspect of having a rising bollard where some vehicles can pass over and others cannot was always doubtful. Predictably some drivers will be caught out by this hazardous arrangement.

Local people may become alerted to the danger involved but roads have got to cater for non-locals who can do without bollards popping up in the middle of the road. Back to the drawing board, as they say.

Colin Clarke,

The Crescent,

Stamford Bridge,


...REGARDING the 'accident' in Stonebow caused by the mobile bollard, you report that City of York Council states that there have been six previous accidents to pedestrians in Pavement in the past three years.

Earlier this year a letter from the council was sent to the organisation where I work in Stonebow stating that an electronic device might possibly be installed, either in Coppergate or Stonebow, to stop unauthorised traffic entering Coppergate and also for pedestrian safety in Stonebow and Pavement.

It invited comments. I replied.

Stating that the main risk of accidents to pedestrians in Stonebow and Pavement was the Park and Ride bus that stops directly outside Marks and Spencer. With long queues waiting for the bus, especially in summer, and with shoppers descending the steps from M&S and entering Pavement, pedestrians are unable to get through and have to walk into the road, sometimes around the bus.

I suggested that the Park and Ride bus stop be re-sited further down, in Stonebow. I also stated that Marks & Spencer's delivery wagons jut out into the road, completely obscuring the pavement, forcing pedestrians to walk around them into the road.

If the council is so concerned about pedestrian safety why has nothing been done about the re-siting of this bus stop?

Anne Drummond,

