IN her letter (September 29), Jennifer Brice expresses concern in relation to various matters concerning the proposed alterations to the main entrance of York District Hospital which will also include some new shopping facilities.

Yes, gardens are a valuable amenity in public buildings, especially a busy hospital, and for this reason we are looking at how we might open up some of the courtyards that are adjacent to the main hospital street, which will be very accessible from the wards. These courtyards are not accessible at the moment and we feel that this is a missed opportunity.

The shopping facilities will provide considerable benefit to many patients, visitors and staff. There are around one million people per year who use the main entrance at the hospital.

Your correspondent also raises a very important point concerning fire safety and the effect of the loss of the courtyards immediately adjacent to the main entrance. I can assure everyone who uses York District Hospital that these particular courtyard areas have no relevance to the fire precaution systems operating within the hospital.

The new main entrance and shopping facilities will of course meet all the required fire safety standards.

Mr George Wood,

Deputy Chief Executive,

York Health Services NHS Trust,

Bootham Park,
