Pippa Watt runs the York School of Complementary Medicine and teaches aromatherapy, reflexology and massage


Q I suffer with eczema on my arms and have been prescribed cortisone cream by my GP. Is there anything I can do to help alleviate the problem naturally?

A Eczema is often aggravated by food or chemical allergies. The first thing I would suggest to you is to have a food allergy test. The York Nutritional Laboratories is able to test for a wide range of common food allergens. For details of this test call on freephone 0800 0746185.

Another way to help you get to the root of the problem is to find a qualified homeopath or medical herbalist. If you are unsure as to how to find one then contact me for a list of accredited practitioners in your area.

You can also use specific (blended) essential oils to help with the dry itching. In my practice as a clinical aromatherapist I developed a range of essential oil products, which are sold by The Natural Healthcare Clinic. The clinic has an advisory line run by an experienced aromatherapist. It was set up to advise the general public about the safe use of essential oils, particularly in relation to health concerns. The advisory line is open Wednesday-Friday 8.30-9.30am and the number to call is 01347 848107.


Q I have recently started going through 'the change' and am experiencing awful night sweats. I don't sleep very well and feel constantly tired and irritable. My doctor wants to prescribe HRT but I am reluctant to take it because of the alleged side effects. Can alternative medicine help?

ARegular reflexology treatments are an excellent way to help relieve the problematic symptoms of the menopause. Aromatherapy massage is also very beneficial and will help you feel much better in yourself. Dong Quai is a Chinese herb which some women find helps to relieve menopausal problems. It can be bought over the counter in health food shops.

To help the night sweats and insomnia, try to have your last meal at least four hours before you retire and limit the amount of carbohydrates you eat.

Unrefined carbohydrates - bread, pasta, rice, potatoes - are used by the body for warmth and energy. Eating large amounts of this type of food just before bed is not a good idea as they contribute towards warming the body. Wine can also aggravate menopausal symptoms, as can a poor diet with too many refined carbohydrates ie: sweets, biscuits, cakes.

You could also try drinking camomile tea before bed as this is very calming, and will aid sleep.

Try not to see this time of your life as negative. The symptoms will not last forever and are a perfectly natural part of a woman's life. A good book to read to help you is Menopause by Jan de Vries. You could also take up yoga. This is an excellent way to remain fit and healthy. For a yoga class in your area call the British Wheel of Yoga area representative on 01347 848348.

The York School of Complementary Medicine, telephone 01347 848154

u Next week, counsellors from York and Harrogate Relate take the hot seat. If you have any query about health, fitness or relationships, write in confidence to: The Experts, Features Department, Evening Press, 76-86 Walmgate, York, YO1 9YN, with your name, address and daytime telephone number, (these details will not be published). Or email: maxine.gordon@ycp.co.uk.

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