AFTER reading the front page article 'saving probe on £3 million council deficit' (October 3), I must express my disappointment.

The headline was misleading. It led the reader to believe there had been some anomaly within City of York Council's finances, when actually the story was merely highlighting one of countless sales pitches that occur each day. It was unfair to the council and only served to perpetuate the myths that surround local government, making the lay person more disenchanted with politics.

The city council did, in fact, undertake an exercise recently that involved making cutbacks and savings to overheads (stationery and so forth) and so the article hardly merited front page status as being radical new thinking.

As a final point, I will just say that no, I do not work for the city council.

Nic Dennison,

Lockey Croft,

Wigginton, York.