Pat Issitt has been getting people fit for eight years and works at Courtney's Fitness Centre, York.

Can fitness be fun?

Q I think that exercise is boring but I know I should do some. What suggestions have you got?

A Following a dull regime is boring, but meeting friends and feeling good about yourself is fun. To build a healthy heart and lungs you should aim to be lightly puffed out for at least 20 minutes, ideally three times a week, but don't feel bad if you can't make that. Set yourself achievable goals and plan a schedule so you know when you're going to exercise and what you're going to do. Why not join a gym? The instructors will design you a personal programme to keep you motivated and there may also be a chance to learn a new activity such as aquafit or salsa. If you can't persuade a friend to join you, you're sure to meet new ones.

Is the gym for me?

Q I need to lose some weight and my kids tell me I should come to the gym, but I'm afraid I won't fit in. Surely it's full of young athletic types?

A Throw away your preconceptions! Most people in the gym these days are wearing baggy T-shirts and jogging pants and 80 per cent of our members have never used a gym before. Our oldest member is well past 70! If you feel unsure, go and look at a few gyms first, you'll be able to judge if you'll feel happy there. Choose one where you're made to feel comfortable and where a personal programme will be provided according to your abilities.

Make sure the staff is well qualified and sympathetic towards beginners and newcomers. If the gym operates a membership scheme ask for a free trial, they may be happy to let you have a go before you commit yourself.

Trim that tummy

Q How can I flatten my stomach? My youngest is two now and I've never got my figure back.

A It's true that some of us may never have a flat stomach, it's a lot to do with our inherited genes. But you can make the most of what you've got and certainly improve matters.

It's a good idea to start by strengthening the deep postural muscles of the abdomen, which may have been weakened in pregnancy.

Lie face down on the floor and relax. Breathe out and draw in the stomach and the waist as if you're trying to get into a tight pair of jeans. Tighten the pelvic floor muscles at the same time. Hold for up to 30 seconds.

Do this without moving any other part of your body, but don't forget to keep breathing!

Repeat up to ten times and try to do this twice a day.

As well as helping to flatten the stomach this postural exercise will make you aware of the muscles you need to work as you progress on to a more general programme of sit ups.

Ideally you should combined your abdominal workout with an overall fitness programme which includes an aerobic (fatburning) element too.

u Next week, Clive Gott will be answering your questions on how to motivate yourself in your relationships and career. If you have a query about health and fitness, send it to: The Experts, Features Department, Evening Press, 76-86 Walmgate, York, YO1 9YN with your name, address and daytime telephone number, although these details will not be published. All letters for publication will be treated in the strictest confidence. We regret that none of our columnists will be able to reply to individuals.