Arguments for and against

It would bring in customers and tidy up the place.

It would bring York back into the 21st century.

It is a brilliant idea, York needs some more shops.

It would bring new shops and better quality clothing (hopefully).

Maybe if it is planned and organised properly, it could be very effective for York.

More choice.

More jobs.

It will expand employment opportunities and make York a prettier place.


York is a historical place. Phase II will spoil it. People come to York for the historical side, not for shopping.

It will ruin the historical part of York and will be an eyesore near Clifford's Tower.

There is no need for new shops.

There are too many empty shops anyway. Tourists don't need another attraction.

The plans are vast and York doesn't need such a large construction in its centre.

It will bring too many people into York. I'm not keen on tourists.

The council is greedy. It's far too big a space. Not enough residential housing. Makes the river look like a canal. Should be left as an open space.

It would increase pollution and congestion - there is enough already.

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