THERE is a groundswell of public opinion that the area around Clifford's Tower should be a green space but York Council currently derives considerable income from the existing car park, and is intending to replace this with income from the buildings to be built upon it.

For a cash-strapped council there is no money to be had in a new park. It is difficult to see how the council can be expected to make an objective decision on this scheme when, as major landowner, it has such an enormous financial interest in the outcome.

Therefore, the Coppergate Riverside planning application should be taken out of the hands of the council and determined by an independent planning inspector at a public inquiry where all sides will be able to put their case.

This is too important a site for the scheme to be determined by one of the parties which stands to make a financial gain by its approval. The determination of this application must not only be right and proper - it must be seen to be right and proper.

Matthew Laverack,

Chartered Architect,

Lord Mayors Walk, York.