FROM the day I was born, Dr Chisholm took care of me, and he also took care of the whole family ('Former GP "one of old school doctors", August 19).

Throughout all my childhood illnesses, or whenever he was called to see any member of the family, you would hear the knock at the door, and then the voice. We all knew who the voice belonged to!

Many years ago, my mother had to have her gall bladder removed and when Dr Chisholm came to see her, his comment on the scar was that it "looked like a piece of meat tied up with string". We often laugh about this today and mum's now 82.

Like me, mum was saddened to hear about the sad loss of a man who was respected by so many people. His memory will always live on in our hearts. God bless you Doc.

Christine Banyard,

Bramham Grove,

