OPINIONS continue to be divided among Evening Press readers over York's Coppergate Riverside proposals.

Coupons asking readers to give their verdicts on Land Securities' £60 million scheme are continuing to arrive at our offices.

Different views - both for and against - have been expressed over the project to redevelop the site between Clifford's Tower and Piccadilly with shops and restaurants.

A popular objection to the scheme is that it may serve to erode York's historical identity.

Mrs S M Sadler of Riccall, near Selby, said: "York's strength is as an historical city with many places of interest to visit. This should be encouraged, not the everlasting, cloned department stores."

Geoff Short, of Lady Hamilton Gardens, York, said: "The scheme will further reduce historic York."

But arguments put forward by supporters of the proposal continued to stress it is vital to the future prosperity of the city centre.

Peter Morris, of Fulwith Mill Lane, Harrogate, said: "This development will enhance the area, improve prosperity of York and rid the city of that eyesore - the car park."

T Short, of Chestnut Grove, York, said: "York needs this development if it is to compete with other cities."

But Patricia Howe, of Tang Hall Lane, York, said: "It is completely out of keeping with the other beautiful historic buildings. We don't need any more shops."

"It will spoil the area around the castle," said K M Newall, of Green Lane, Acomb, York.


Comments on Coppergate II

"York needs to diversify continuously to attract tourists, inward investment and increase the quality of life to York's residents. We should be looking towards the 21st Century not the 18th."

Richard Battorby, Nunthorpe Grove, York

"Piccadilly should be redeveloped."

Cathryn Fawcett, Dunnington, York

"This should be a chance to improve the aesthetic not commercial aspect of our commercial city."

K King, Danebury Drive, York

"Tidy up the Piccadilly side but leave the Clifford's Tower area open by laying grass, planting trees, shrubs etc and provide seats for viewing the castle."

Mr S Foster, Huntington Road, York

"The car park area should be turned into a garden with seats. Development should only be on the Piccadilly side."

Mr Fenton, Clifton, York

"Most major cities with a river have capitalised on enhancing the area with trees, seating areas and outdoor cafs. Why not York?"

S E Dodgshon, Upper Poppleton, York

"The plan is far too intrusive in such a sensitive area as Clifford's Tower the eye of York."

E Pickering, Hampden Street, York

"I think development could take place on Piccadilly and leave the other side of the Foss empty."

Jo Tomson, St Paul's Square, York.

"We have lots of shops closing, so why create more?"

Mrs J Astley, Dunnington.

"Anything almost would be better than the eyesores we have now. Why do all discerning shoppers need to go to Leeds, Harrogate, Newcastle and so on."

June Tuffs, Escrick.

"A mixed development of residential, hotel, caf, offices on Piccadilly side only, linked footbridges to landscaped riverside park to enhance tower and castle areas."

M P Curtis, Elvington.

"York needs to diversify and not just rely on tourism to bring visitors to the city."

Beryl, Roy and Dawn Allerston, Starkey Crescent, York.

"To create a park would attract more tourists than shops congesting the whole area. This is a little oasis. Let's not spoil it."

Mr and Mrs Coverdale, New Earswick.

"York is a major tourist attraction quite apart from its shops - of which there are quite enough, and of good quality, already."

Betty Lee, New Earswick.

"Development must take place but less "commercially" ambitious to allow scope for re-developing Coop site and Rougier Street."

C Hockridge, Old Orchard, Haxby.